


There can be seen from the article that the Kazakh national units of measurement are on the same level with the national measurements of other peoples in terms of origin, purpose, viability and success. However, for various historical reasons, our ancient terms with measurable meaning could not go beyond the borders of the nation and had no real meaning. Тhe peculiarity of measurement in the system of popular measurements, In the system of popular measurements is that from the point of view of the meaning and scope of the topic, it is applied not only to one area of measurement, but also to their various areas (quantitative, qualitative, periodic, almost complete, long, long-short, high-low, etc.) in the description of any concept in a generalized, projective and abstract form.

Thus, we can identify a variety of phenomena in the natural environment and a variety of objects of our way of life, people and animals, size, scale, quantity, quality and phenomena related to social relations. We decided to systematize some linguistic units formed from a figurative description of the features of spatial cognition.

About the Authors

E. A. Utebayeva
A.Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics

Candidate of philological Sciences, head of the Department of Ethnolinguistics

Scopus Authors ID: 57200244748


A. A. Soltanbekova
A.Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics

Candidate of philological Sciences



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For citations:

Utebayeva E.A., Soltanbekova A.A. ETHNO-CULTURALAND SEMANTIC EXPRESSION OF FOLK UNITS OF MEASUREMENT. Tiltanym. 2021;(3):89-100. (In Kazakh)

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