Toponyms are a valuable source of language learning in diachrony, they also carry the features of national culture, national identity. Their appearance, change and disappearance are associated with the development and change of certain phenomena of the historical process. However, the value of toponymic data is not limited to the value for science and cultural studies, they also have applied value: in solving national economic problems, in the development of tourism and the formation of a single integral tourist image of the region. Taking into account the relevance of toponymic data, the article discusses the principles of creation and structure of toponymic data in the Republic of Bahskortostan. When determining the structure of the base of toponymy itself, the authors of the article consider it necessary to determine the choice of the type of classification of toponymic material. In the article, based on the consideration of existing classifications of toponyms, a database is proposed that includes the following linguistic and non-linguistic information fields: toponym in Russian, toponym in Bashkir language, object class, object subclass (object type), etymology, variant of the object name (used in language of the local population), the etymology of the variant, the type of word formation, the nature of the nomination, documentation, administrative referencing, geographical coordinates, historical and cultural content, illustrative content. The authors of the article disclose the current state of the process of creating a database, determine the stages of the upcoming work.
About the Authors
Z. A. SirazitdinovRussian Federation
Y. M. Absalyamov
Russian Federation
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