Linguistic heritage of K. Omiraliev: language of Kazakh poetry (XV-XIX)
This article provides a scientific and analytical description of the works of famous linguist, turkologist K. Omiraliev, dedicated to the study of sources of professional Kazakh poetry, traditions and continuity, and tendencies of innovation on the basis of Kazakh poetry samples of the XV-XIX centuries. The complex system of research, philological character, and historical-linguistic principle of the scientist’s works are evaluated from the perspective of the anthropocentric paradigm of linguistics.
About the Author
Zh. MankeevaKazakhstan
Chief Researcher of the Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynuly, Doctor of Philological sciences, Professor.
1. Umiraliyev K. Language of Kazakh poetry of the XV-XIX centuries. Almaty: Nauka publ., 1976. – 270 P.
2. Umiraliyev K. Genre and style of Kazakh poetry (first half of the XIX century) – Almaty: Nauka, 1983. – 239 P.
For citations:
Mankeeva Zh. Linguistic heritage of K. Omiraliev: language of Kazakh poetry (XV-XIX). Tiltanym. 2021;(2):40-47. (In Kazakh)