Repeated compound adverbs
The article discusses the types of analytical method, their word-forming abilities and functions. It is known that the analytical method of creating complex words performs a very productive function in linguistics. The article describes the features of the method of repetition in the formation of complex adverbs of the word-forming system. In the study of complex adverbs, the theory of repeated words in linguistics was taken as a basis. Despite the fact that repeated words were studied in science comprehensively, in word-forming systems of parts of speech, complex words were not fully studied. In the word-forming system of adverbs of the modern Kazakh language, complex repeated adverbs created by the method of repetition are defined, and their features are presented.
Complex adverbs created by repeating the same root word in different forms have also been defined. On the basis of compound adverbs conisting of two words, their types are indicated.
About the Author
В. A. TansykbayevaKazakhstan
Academy of Logistics and Transport, Associate Professor of the Department of Languages, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Assistant Professor.
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For citations:
Tansykbayeva В.A. Repeated compound adverbs. Tiltanym. 2021;(2):68-75. (In Kazakh)