
Ancient Turkic written monument genre and Kulmat Omiraliev’s research


The article considers genre features of ancient Turkic written monuments. Studies, opinions and conclusions of scientists related to this genre have been analyzed. The definition of the genre of ancient Turkic monuments consists not only of the analysis of their artistic power and poetic value, but also the evaluation of the historical, strategic significance and the main ideological mission of these works. For more than a century, many historians, literary critics and linguists have been commenting on this problem from the scientific point of view. The article analyzes and compares the evidence of scientists who recognized this monument as poetry and prose, and provides examples and evidence from the text of the monuments. At the same time, the features of the main conclusions and arguments of K. Omiraliev’s research on this problem are considered and their scientific significance is revealed.

About the Authors

S. B. Zhumagul
L.N .Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Department of Kazakh Literature, L.N .Gumilyov Eurasian National University.


N. M. Kairalapov
Secondary school named after Lande Bukenov

Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature of the secondary school named after Lande Bukenov.

Turkestan, Suzak district, Turkestan region.


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For citations:

Zhumagul S.B., Kairalapov N.M. Ancient Turkic written monument genre and Kulmat Omiraliev’s research. Tiltanym. 2021;(2):105-113. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
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