The article is devoted to the problem of anthropocentric research of the synergy of the Kazakh word on the basis of ethno-cultural content in the «linguistic picture of the world». In this regard, special attention is paid to the following characteristics of a native speaker (linguistic personality) as its creative and creative essence, sensory perception (poetic) and interpretive (pragmatic) character, substantiating artistic representation in language. An artistic word expressing the inner collapse of the people, i.e. the linguophilosophical ideas of V.von Humboldt and the judgments of A.Baitursynov that «if the language disappears, its carrier (ethnos) will disappear» laid the foundation for the principles characterizing the anthropocentric direction in determining the synergy of the word. In accordance with this, if the «linguistic picture of the world» is considered as a way of reflecting the spirit of a native speaker, and the synergy of the word is determined at the level of the activity of the spirit. In the article «the linguistic picture of the world» is considered as the living activity of the spirit, the way of its expression, and the synergy of language determines the level of manifestation of the activity of the spirit. The scientific and methodological basis for the study of this problem is based on a transdisciplinary methodology within the framework of the linguosynergetic paradigm, which is developing in linguistics in the era of globalization. It characterizes the high level of development of science and technology and the integration of human activity. Therefore, the term synergetics (gr. Synergtikos – «joint activity», «influence») transformed from the sphere of natural science, expresses components and subsystems in the structure of a common system that were formed as a result of the internal organization of complex relationships. This phenomenon, in accordance with the interdisciplinary trend, is also applied in the study of language.
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For citations:
Mankeeva Zh.A. ETHNO-CULTURAL CONTENT AND SYNERGY OF THE WORD. Tiltanym. 2022;86(2):48-58. (In Kazakh)