The article deals with the problems of distinction, types, recognition by composition in Kazakh linguistics of verbal combinations of two or three words. The paper reviewed the issues of the linguistic nature, word formation and grammatical nature of compound verb expressions. There are many opinions on the problem of the compound verb and the principles of their classification. The semantic features of complex verbal expressions are revealed. In this paper, we approach the concept of a complex verb by the criterion of composition and semantic integrity. For lexicography of complex verbal expressions, examples from a 15-volume explanatory dictionary of the Kazakh language, a phraseological dictionary and a text corpus of the Kazakh language were considered.
In complex verb and analytical forms, verbs and compound verbs, as well as verb stable phrases, have semantic integrity, i.e. several syllables are connected and denote only one action, designating them as complex compound verb phrases. As with the lexicography of complex verbs, the principles of lexicography of analytical verbs and verb stable expressions are determined. Below are examples that explain the meaning of complex verb phrases (complex verb and verb of analytical form) and reveal semantic features.
About the Authors
A. S. BarmenkulovaKazakhstan
Y. B. Bessirov
A. Mursal
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For citations:
Barmenkulova A.S., Bessirov Y.B., Mursal A. LEXICOGRAPHY OF VERB STABLE PHRASES IN THE KAZAKH LANGUAGE. Tiltanym. 2022;(4):3-14. (In Kazakh) https://doi.org/10.55491/2411-6076-2022-4-3-14