The problem of transliteration of onomastic names of Kazakhstan on the basis of Latin script
The article is devoted to the problem of transliteration of onomastic names based on Latin script. Because if we want to join the ranks of developing countries in the near future, we must have our own national transliteration. In this regard, based on international experience, it is necessary to bring geographical names and anthroponyms as close as possible to the original, while preserving national identity. Currently, there is a great discrepancy in the transliteration of geographical names and anthroponyms. In this connection, the article provides examples of inconsistency, inaccurate transliteration, and a brief analysis of international experience on this issue.
About the Author
K. K. RysbergenKazakhstan
Сhief researcher, doctor of philological sciences
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6. Полный текст документа доступен по адресу: [Электрон. ресурс]. (дата обращения: 03. 01. 2017).
For citations:
Rysbergen K.K. The problem of transliteration of onomastic names of Kazakhstan on the basis of Latin script. Tiltanym. 2017;(1):13-18. (In Russ.)