Comparative features of the Latin Kazakh writing system
At this time, writing plays an extremely important role in human society. Because, although oral conversation is favorable for direct communication of communicants, communication at a distance relies only on the help of writing. The writing system also developed along with the human mind and was formed according to the syllabic, alphabetical principle.
The main issues of the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin script are considered in the article. Latin graphics provides language accuracy, but not simply by replacing letters, but by reducing excessive symbols and aligning letters.
About the Author
B. K. MomynovaKazakhstan
Сhief researcher, doctor of philological sciences, professor
For citations:
Momynova B.K. Comparative features of the Latin Kazakh writing system. Tiltanym. 2017;(1):19-23. (In Kazakh)