
Sociolinguistic characteristics of brand names


   The concept of the brand name in advertising texts and slogans, the everyday sphere of the individual’s consciousness, special literature on marketing, advertising, branding has not been sufficiently studied to date from the point of view of the linguistic unit. While the linguistic analysis of the brand name is extremely important for both the advertising business and
the language personality. In the era of high level of advanced technology and new technologies, linguistic, semantic definitions of brand names are developing well. This article is devoted to the sociolinguistic characteristics of brand names, as well as the problems of brand naming. Since the semantics of the brand is formed in the mind of a person, providing an emotional connection between the linguistic perception of the brand and its semantic functionality.

About the Author

G. S. Isaeva
Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov

Senior researcher, candidate of philological sciences



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For citations:

Isaeva G.S. Sociolinguistic characteristics of brand names. Tiltanym. 2017;(1):36-39. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
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