
Program guide for translating phonemic words ya, yu into Latin in Kazakh texts


   In the Kazakh language, with the penetration of Cyrillic graphics, there are linguistic phenomena that contradict the natural sound and legitimacy of our language, which penetrates the vocabulary and subordinates the rules of spelling. We are not deprived of the sounds «ю», «я», which came from the Russian language, and we can not perceive them as alien to the usual vision, if we write «Йу/Йу, йа» by ear in the Kazakh language. Such changes, which seemed «wrong» in the Cyrillic alphabet, do not catch the eye when transmitted in the Latin script, and create ease in the visual perception of the population. In this regard, an urgent problem is the implementation of an effective reform of the Kazakh written language in accordance with the national sound system and pronunciation style. The article deals with the rules for automatic translating of words with phonemes я, ю in the Kazakh language into the Latin script.

About the Authors

A. A. Zhanabekova
Institute of Linguistics named A. Baitursynova

Head of the Department, Doctor of philological sciences

Department of Applied Linguistics


G. Tlegenova
Institute of Linguistics named A. Baitursynova


Department of Applied Linguistics



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2. Байтұрсынов А. Тіл тағылымы. – Алматы: Ана тілі, 1992. – 62 б.

3. Жұбанов Қ. Қазақ тілі бойынша зерттеулер. – Алматы: Ғылым, 1966. – 47 б.

4. Кеңесбаев І., Мұсабаев Ғ. Қазіргі қазақ тілі. – Алматы : Ғылым, 1975. – 302 б.

5. Мырзабеков С. Қазақ тілі фонетикасы. –Алматы:Қазақ университеті, 2004. – 247 б.

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For citations:

Zhanabekova A.A., Tlegenova G. Program guide for translating phonemic words ya, yu into Latin in Kazakh texts. Tiltanym. 2017;(1):46-51. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)