
Path to science of doctor of philology, professor Zhubanov Askar Kudaibergenovich


   A. K. Zhubanov was engaged and is engaged in the problem of creating a national corpus of texts of the Kazakh language. He devoted many articles to this topic, and also spoke at many scientific conferences, both in Kazakhstan and abroad. He successfully passes on his knowledge to postgraduates and undergraduates. This article analyzes the research of Professor A. K. Zhubanov. Professor of Kazakh Linguistics A. K. Zhubanov is a worthy successor of the work of his father, the largest Kazakh scientist, the first professor of Kazakh philology Kudaibergen Kuanovich Zhubanov.

About the Author

A. V. Zubov
International Academy of Informatization; Minsk State Linguistic University

Head of the Department, Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Academician

Department of Informatics and Applied Linguistics



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2. Жубанов А. К. Основные принципы формализации содержания казахского текста: автореф. дисс. к. ф. н. 10.02.02 / А. К. Жубанов. – Алматы, 2002. – 57 с.

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6. Новиков А. И. Семантика текста и ее формализация / А. И. Новиков. – М.: Наука, 1983. – 23 с.

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For citations:

Zubov A.V. Path to science of doctor of philology, professor Zhubanov Askar Kudaibergenovich. Tiltanym. 2017;(1):70-74. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)