Kazakh mythology as a part of national code and its symbolic perception
One of the main means of communication and the tool, which help us to conduct our social life is language. When it is used within the context of communication, it bounds up with culture in a multiple and complex way, so we should consider the language as the way of expressing the language portrait of the world through the language and the culture of the nation, the way of thinking and expressing people’s disposition. The overview of different scholars’ researches allows to identify the connection between mythology and symbols in other words and the symbolic perception of the world. The nature of the symbol is stable and kernel idea of symbols is transferred from generation to generation. Most of mythological heroes are described as symbols and nowadays they can have an influence on people’s mentality and feelings as a national code.
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For citations:
Anesova U.G. Kazakh mythology as a part of national code and its symbolic perception. Tiltanym. 2017;(1):78-83.