
Language knowledge in Zhubanov’s researches new fields


   The first Kazakh professor in the field of linguistics, Turkologist, teacher – K. K. Zhubanov was the author of valuable works on the use and structure of our mother tongue, who was fluent in the language and culture of the national language and even the language proficiency of the language. The precise representation of the scientist’s knowledge of national, regional, and global culture during his lifetime is explained by the level of linguistic theoretical knowledge in interpreting his scientific problems. Therefore, we are talking not only about the new knowledge of the new Kazakh language knowledge, but also the ability to fully and completely master the teaching of science to the following language owners. The academician I. Kenеshebaev, Linguistic problems: «...K.K.Zhubanov is self-motivated in science-research work in the region of general linguistics and Turkology».

About the Author

M. Zhunissova
KazNPU Abai

candidate of philological sciences, associate professor



1. Kenesbaev S. K. Professor Hudaybergen Kuanovich Zhubanov // Zhubanov K. Research on the Kazakh language. – Almaty, 1996. – P. 15.

2. Kopylenko M. M. Problems of common language in work X. Zhubanova // Zhubanov’s speech. – Aktobe. – P. 18-24.

3. Kaidar A. Professor Kudaybergen Zhubanov (1899-1938) // K. Zhubanov and Kazakh Soviet Linguistics. – Almaty, Science, 1990. – 368 b.

4. Hasanuly B. K. Zhubanov’s heritage: national linguistics, social linguistics, psycholinguistics. Repression in the field of language. – Aktobe, 2000. – 119 p.

5. Zhubanova А. А. General Linguistic Concept H. K. Zhubanova. Author’s Annotation dissertation ... Almaty, 2000. 30 c. // Bibliographic index of Annotations of author’s dissertation on Kazakh linguistics. P. I (1950-2000). – 26 p.

6. Zhunusova M. A. General linguistics. Electronic textbook. 2015. Р. 33-35.

7. Zhunusova M. A. K. Zhubanov and new fields of linguistics // Materials of the International Conference 26. 02. 2015. – 142-145 p.

8. Abikenova G. T. Cognitive Linguistics // Tutorial. –Semipalatinsk, 2008.–118 p.


For citations:

Zhunissova M. Language knowledge in Zhubanov’s researches new fields. Tiltanym. 2017;(2):16-20.

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