Semiotics of fire and threshold in the beliefs of the Kazakh people
Among the main concepts that denote the linguistic picture and the traditional essence of the world inherent in a particular nation, the concept of home occupies a special place. It is one of the universal concepts that reflect the life and thinking of the people. This article seeks an answer to the question of what is the basis of the semiotics of fire and threshold, the social
status of the people or religious beliefs – which of them are the integral basis of the concept. Of particular interest are the concepts of fire and threshold, which have developed in relation to the concept of sacredness, i.e. the kie of the Kazakh people. At the heart of this is the connection of the people with the other world, with the world of the living.
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For citations:
Isa G. Semiotics of fire and threshold in the beliefs of the Kazakh people. Tiltanym. 2017;(2):35-39. (In Kazakh)