


Turkology as a science emerged as a branch of Orientalism. Turkology studies Turkic peoples, their languages, literature, history and ethnography. The science received special development after the opening for the entire Turkic world of monuments of Bengo, namely in the second half of the 18th century. In the article, which speaks about the transition of Kazakhstan to the Latin alphabet, about the problems, the alphabetical reform, about the experience of the transition of other Turkic-speaking peoples to the Latin alphabet, it was said that this step of Kazakhstan would lead to the great development and breakthrough of the brotherly Kazakh people. Of course, the alphabet was not by heart, during 1929 - 1940. Also, a large fund of science and literary heritage in Kazakhstan was prepared with the Cyril alphabet, which has been operating since 1940. Of course, he always remembers this. To become the leader of the nation in the future is a huge step towards the people of Kazakhstan. There may be obstacles and difficulties on the road, but the experience of brotherly countries, the Kazakh people intend to save all the difficulties of such a transitional period. Studied Turkology, the alphabet of the Turkic peoples, the alphabetical history of Kazakhstan, the alphabetical reform, the transition to the Latin alphabet. In Kazakhstan, issues of transition to the Latin alphabet, the experience of other peoples are highlighted.

About the Author

G. Kortabayeva
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Сandidate of philological science, doсtor,  Turkic and Indology Department


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For citations:

Kortabayeva G. TURKISH WORLD UNION –ALPHABET PARTNERSHIP. Tiltanym. 2016;(4):25-29. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
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