
The main issues that need solving when creating the new Latinized alphabet


   The alphabets based on the Cyrillic and Arabic alphabet used to write Kazakh texts in the second half of the XIX century were not well-established and socially accepted. Each subsequent author could make any changes to the writing system when writing his text in one of these alphabets. A remarkable creation in the field of the Kazakh writing system belongs to A.
Baitursynov. The great thinker reformed the existing alphabet based on the Arabic alphabet in such a way that the new alphabet he proposed for writing Kazakh texts fully corresponded to the phonetic system of the Kazakh language.The article discusses the main issues that need solving when creating the new Latinized alphabet.

About the Author

S. L. Kutalmysh
Saint Petersburg State University
Russian Federation

Saint Petersburg


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For citations:

Kutalmysh S.L. The main issues that need solving when creating the new Latinized alphabet. Tiltanym. 2017;(2):60-63. (In Russ.)

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