
Phonetic features of the Kazakh speech of Kazakhs from Tajikistan


   In this article, we will talk about the exchange of vowels. The root of sound exchange observed in speech is related to the phonetic system of all Turkic languages and has extensive roots. After all, no matter what kind of sound exchange we take, it does not differ from the sound exchange between languages of Turkic origin. But, despite the abundance of phonetic features, the sound composition of speech does not differ from the sound composition of our literary language, the number of sounds in speech and the ways of their creation (articulation) merge and merge with the sounds of our literary language. In the literary language, we consider the phonetic features of such phenomena as the bold pronunciation of some words, the subtle pronunciation of some words, the subtle pronunciation of some words, the subtle pronunciation of some words, the subtle pronunciation of some hard consonants that came between vowels, vowels, and vowels.The article considers the phonetic features of the Kazakh language in the speech of Kazakhs who came from Tajikistan.

About the Author

M. Abdulkhanova
Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University



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For citations:

Abdulkhanova M. Phonetic features of the Kazakh speech of Kazakhs from Tajikistan. Tiltanym. 2017;(2):64-69. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)