Innovative teaching methods as one of the leading trends in improving the quality of the educational process
The methodology of teaching a foreign language is closely related to linguistics, psychology, psycholinguistics, didactics and other sciences. The methods of language teaching have close links with the psychology of learning, which deals with the processes and mechanisms of educational activity, explores the optimal, most effective ways to master language knowledge, the formation of speech skills and speech skills. For a number of centuries, different methods or methodological directions in teaching foreign languages have emerged. All these methodological directions relate to a specific purpose and content of training. This article discusses effective methods and forms of work that improve the quality of the educational process. This article discusses effective methods and forms of work that improve the quality of the educational process.
About the Author
M. K. ZhorabekovaKazakhstan
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For citations:
Zhorabekova M.K. Innovative teaching methods as one of the leading trends in improving the quality of the educational process. Tiltanym. 2017;(2):75-78. (In Russ.)