
On the technology of communicative teaching the lexical aspect of the Russian language in a foreign language audience


   In the modern methodology, it is true that of all the levels of language (phonetics, morphology, vocabulary, syntax), syntax is directly related to the communication process and represents the communicative basis for the use of other language units in speech. Therefore, one of the essential applications of the category of communicativeness is the study of vocabulary and morphology on a syntactic basis: words and forms acquire communicativeness, manifest lexical and morphological patterns through a sentence. This article deals with the technology of communicative teaching the lexical aspect of the Russian language in a foreign language audience.

About the Author

S. Zh. Chakanova
H. A. Yasavi International Kazakh-Turkish University



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For citations:

Chakanova S.Zh. On the technology of communicative teaching the lexical aspect of the Russian language in a foreign language audience. Tiltanym. 2017;(2):79-83. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)