


The concept «crow» is analyzed in the article, because Turkic people considered a crow as an intermediary between the people and heaven. The article discusses the concept of «crow», since among the Turkic peoples, the crow is perceived as an intermediary between people and heaven. «The crow» has a symbolic meaning, is one of the most frequently expressed images in all genres of folklore works. It is necessary to reveal the poetic background of this image, to indicate the features of the expression of artistic patterns. Unfortunately, this is not the case. We made sure that the carnival is the messenger of the Holy God. The concept of «crow» is provided. Because the crow is the totem of the Turkic peoples, a continuing force between people and heaven.

About the Author

К. A. Shynadilova
Kazakh National Women’s teacher training university

Lecturer, master student of philological sciences


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3. Исаева Ж. Дүниенің паремиологиялық бейнесі: филол. ғыл. кан. дисс. автореф. –Алматы, 2007. 127 б.


For citations:

Shynadilova К.A. CONCEPT«CROW». Tiltanym. 2016;(3):99-102. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)