The historical study of the facts of the language, knowledge is necessary for both science and practice. Indeed, despite the fact that any phenomenon, past, historical development, it is impossible to understand its current state, history. The research method does not remain in one position and can be several in each science. The change in the method depends on the nature of the object under study, the degree of development of science. With the development of science, new secrets are revealed, new phenomena that have not previously been noticed by the object. For a comprehensive and deep definition of it, previously applied research methods become invalid and there is a need to apply new methods and research methods. In this article, all the decisive values of the study, knowledge of the paths of the historical development of ancient linguistic categories are observed. This article reveals the importance of methods and techniques of language research in modern language research.
About the Author
M. E. DuisembayevaKazakhstan
Senior lecturer, master
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For citations:
Duisembayeva M.E. STUDY METHODSAND LANGUAGE RESEARCH TECHNIQUE. Tiltanym. 2016;(4):30-40. (In Kazakh)