


The article examines the nature and peculiarities of ergourbonims as the object of the latest scientific research of national linguistics. The author presents urbanonyms, including ergurbonyms, as a branch of onomastics, reflecting the evolution of Kazakhstan’s toponymy, analyzes examples concerning the city of Atyrau. In general, ergourbonimic nominations of the city of Atyrau are divided into levels and reveal the ways of their creation and content. This article will help to identify the cultural and linguistic structure of the cities of a sovereign country, including, to analyze, predict the place and role of the state language - the Kazakh language in the urban linguistic space. In his speech, he noted that the current state and prospects of the Kazakh language, both an urban (urbanization) language, and its functioning in the social and communicative space of the city, its significance requires extensive linguocultural, cognitive research. The essence and features of ergurbonyms are considered in Russian linguistics, which become the object of new scientific research.

About the Author

Z. Abdrakhmanova
Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov

Lecturer, candidate of philological sciences


1. Вайрах Ю.В. Этнокультурная информативность эргоурбонимов // Социально-гуманитарные знания. – №5. 2008. – 55 с.

2. Мадиева Г.Б., Борибаева Г.А. Ономастика современнего города // Городской ономастикон: Матер.междунар.научно-теор. онлайн-семинара. –Издательство ВГСПУ, «Перемена», 2015. – С.12-17.


For citations:

Abdrakhmanova Z. PLACE OF ERGONYMS IN URBAN ONOMASTICS. Tiltanym. 2016;(4):47-53. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)