The syllabic character of the phoneme «y» when transferring the Kazakh alphabet to Latin script
Due to the fact that the national sounds in the new alphabet differ only in the characters – apostrophes - on the computer and within the Latin alphabet, programmers do not require the creation of new special fonts, drivers, sorting programs and information retrieval programs when using the computer, which makes the alphabet effective for computer programs. The new Latin graphic alphabet will make it easier for foreigners interested in the Kazakh language to learn the Kazakh language. In this regard, the new alphabet also has methodological effectiveness.
About the Authors
A. A. ZhanabekovaKazakhstan
Head of the Department, Doctor of Philology
Department of Applied Linguistics
A. Kozhakhmetova
Master student
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For citations:
Zhanabekova A.A., Kozhakhmetova A. The syllabic character of the phoneme «y» when transferring the Kazakh alphabet to Latin script. Tiltanym. 2017;(3):3-8. (In Kazakh)