Advantages of transferring the written monuments to Latin script (based on the written materials of Zh. Balasagun «Kutadgu Bilig»)
The transition to the Latin script is a requirement of time, a necessity of the language. There are no grounds for fear that in the process of switching to the Latin alphabet, we will lose valuable things and writings, as well as literature and scientific achievements. On this basis, we translated the work of Zh. Balasagun «Kutadgu Bilig» into Latin graphics. We tried to show that this is clear in Latin graphics, too. When switching from the Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin script, it is necessary to approve the spelling and orthoepic rules of the Kazakh language. If we conduct it systematically, then our graphics will be flawless. If the Kazakh script is created without shortcomings, then there should be no problems with the transition of Kazakh literature and fiction, written monuments into Latin graphics.
About the Author
D. PashanKazakhstan
Candidate of Philology
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For citations:
Pashan D. Advantages of transferring the written monuments to Latin script (based on the written materials of Zh. Balasagun «Kutadgu Bilig»). Tiltanym. 2017;(3):9-15. (In Kazakh)