This article discusses the use of the letters y, i in oral and written communication. In general, in Kazakh linguistics, the frequency of occurrence of the letter y denoting a deaf, non-muffled sound is in the third place, and the frequency of occurrence of the letter i is in the eighth place. The letters y, i are found in all positions of the word: ygak, yrim, ykylas; kyran, musylman, zhumys; tary, tasy, kyrmyzy; isker, ismer, izgilik; kirispe, korik, minber; kuishi, negizi, tatti.. Despite the fact that these letters are found in all positions, opinions about the spelling of the letters y, i are different. A number of researchers claim that the letters y, i can be unwritten if they do not affect the meaning of the word, and some scientists support the spelling of the letters у, i with complete preservation. In particular, in some words, the spelling of the letters у, i with complete preservation, and in some words, the reduction of the sounds у, i requires clarification and analysis based on language data. Because in the modern practice of writing, the letters y, i are different. For example, in the words.
About the Author
J. T. JumabayevaKazakhstan
Zhumabayeva Zhanar Tolendyevna – A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics, leading researcher. Candidate of philological Sciences
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For citations:
Jumabayeva J.T. THE STATUS OF THE LETTERS У, I IN KAZAKH LINGUISTICS. Tiltanym. 2021;(3):53-60. (In Kazakh)