Grammatical structure of phrases with national peculiarities in the works of Abai, Shakarim and their cognitive meaning
One of the prerequisites underlying the determination of the direction of semantic development in the structure of word combinations is the communicative process. The consideration of semantic and structural changes in word combinations based on the material of the works of Abai and Shakarim allows us to determine their purposeful use, focused not only on solving semantic problems, but also on the issues of linguistic semantics. Thus, the communicative meaning arising from the composition of phrases is the basis for the differentiation of the function of the semantics of the phrase, forming a set of linguistic and extralinguistic information knowledge.
About the Authors
G. Kh. TulekovaKazakhstan
Gulzhan Khazhmuratovna Tulekova, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor
G. Kh. Tulekova
Gulnaz Khazhmuratovna Tulekova, Candidate of Philology, Professor
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For citations:
Tulekova G.Kh., Tulekova G.Kh. Grammatical structure of phrases with national peculiarities in the works of Abai, Shakarim and their cognitive meaning. Tiltanym. 2017;(3):36-42. (In Kazakh)