
Etymological foundations of some ancient anthroponyms of the Kazakh language


   The etymological nature of the names of people stored in the language of ancient Turkic written monuments is analyzed. Proper names, including anthroponyms, are made up of common names of the lexical fund and pass by function to the next stage of language use. In this regard, the definition of the origin of anthroponyms and common names has its own characteristics. In the course of the analysis, a peculiar approach to these features is used, i.e. the motives of the origin of names are taken into account. The grammatical and lexical-semantic relations between the ancient names and their variants in the modern Kazakh language are also determined.

About the Author

B. Abdualiuly
Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumilyov

Professor, Doctor of Philology



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For citations:

Abdualiuly B. Etymological foundations of some ancient anthroponyms of the Kazakh language. Tiltanym. 2017;(3):43-49. (In Kazakh)

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