
Playing, you can learn the language


   Teaching the Kazakh language in the Russian audience is based on clearly outdated and conservative methods, based on memorizing the given texts. Therefore, in the practice of language teaching, the development of oral speech should occupy an important place. This is facilitated by games of various kinds: role-playing, producing, games-competitions, phonetic, lexical, etc. Game methods of language learning have prospects for development and give good results. Playing, you can learn the language. Games should correspond to the level of preparation of students for mastering a certain grammatical or lexical material.

About the Author

T. K. Tolegenov
University «Turan»

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor



For citations:

Tolegenov T.K. Playing, you can learn the language. Tiltanym. 2017;(3):50-53. (In Russ.)

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