
The structure of chinese proverbs and sayings


   The article is devoted to the analysis of the structure of proverbs and sayings in the Chinese language. The main purpose of our article is to distinguish proverbs and sayings in Chinese structurally. In the course of the analysis, the author summarizes proverbs and sayings in Chinese, dividing them into three groups according to their structure. To skillfully use proverbs and sayings in the Chinese language, first of all, it is necessary to perfectly know the written culture of China, that is, hieroglyphs. One of the main difficulties in translating a hieroglyphic text is the ability to correctly analyze the translated text. Knowledge of the history, traditions, literature, customs and peculiarities of understanding the surrounding world of people opens the way to understanding the meaning of proverbs and sayings of this people.

About the Author

G. N. Shiderina
«Turan» University

master of humanitarian science



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For citations:

Shiderina G.N. The structure of chinese proverbs and sayings. Tiltanym. 2017;(3):54-57. (In Kazakh)

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