Policy of trilingual education in Kazakhstan
The experts studied various aspects of bilingualism, such as methods of brain mapping of language, the ability to write in one language and speak in another language, etc. The purpose of such education is to forma multilingual person who is able to realize his communication needs freely. This is the main incentive for learning the language. Multilingualism encompasses linguistic, psychological, sociological, and pedagogical aspects. Bilingual and multilingual education is widely used at various levels.
About the Authors
K. A. AshinovaKazakhstan
KazUIR&WL, Candidate of Philological Sciences.
S. E. Zhampeis
KazUIR&WL, Candidate of Philological Sciences.
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For citations:
Ashinova K.A., Zhampeis S.E. Policy of trilingual education in Kazakhstan. Tiltanym. 2016;(2):41-43. (In Russ.)