
Turkic words in Persian and their influence on the Persian language


There are many borrowed words in the Persian language, including Turkic words. The Persian language has undergone many changes, there are a lot of borrowed words in the Persian language, so the vocabulary of the Persian language has been continuously enriched. Each language has its own historical path. Currently, native Persian words have begun to be introduced in Iran instead of borrowed words from other languages, including Turkic ones. This article discusses the Turkisms in Persian and their influence on the Persian language.

About the Author

A. Sh. Batyrkhan
Institute of Oriental Studies named after R.B. Suleimenov

Institute of Oriental Studies named after R.B. Suleimenov, PhD doctoral student.


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For citations:

Batyrkhan A.Sh. Turkic words in Persian and their influence on the Persian language. Tiltanym. 2016;(2):44-48. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)