Linguoculturological aspect of national cognition
The main reason why national languages subordinate the names of other peoples to the laws of their sound, structural system, is that they consist of sounds alien to the national language and differ in the combination of sounds with each other. Such words cannot be pronounced by native speakers of the national language. Although names in foreign languages are usually conditional characters, they cannot be used in the same way. Hence the conclusion: if new objects-concepts that should be included in our everyday life, called, pronounced in our language, can not be called in Kazakh in a timely manner, but together with the object or concept penetrate into our language and its foreign language names are widely used, it is necessary to treat foreign language names as symbols that do not have a direct relationship to the subject and concept, and to adapt only its phonetic side to Kazakh.
About the Authors
A. O. TymbolovaKazakhstan
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor.
A. S. Murzinov
1st -year doctoral student.
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For citations:
Tymbolova A.O., Murzinov A.S. Linguoculturological aspect of national cognition. Tiltanym. 2016;(2):49-53. (In Kazakh)