Conceptualization of happiness by young native speakers of Kazakh
The present study analyses the way Happiness is contextualized by young native speakers of the Kazakh language who were asked to write an essay on the topic «What is happiness?». Idioms with colour components of Ақ [aķ] white and Қара [ķara] black are evidence of the fact that the conceptual base of Kazakh colour terms reflects the specific perception of the world by nomadic Kazakhs who lived in close relationship with nature. Their written works have been analyzed and the basic conceptualization of that notion has been elaborated. In Kazakh, there are more than 1,000 terms that designate colours; this is mostly reasoned by Kazakhs’ traditional engagement in breeding.
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For citations:
Abdramanova S.A. Conceptualization of happiness by young native speakers of Kazakh. Tiltanym. 2017;(3):72-77.