
Intonation is an indicator that determines the linguistic essence of a discourse


The article deals with various definitions of the concept of discourse, which is currently given in Kazakh linguistics, and the problems of the direction of discursive analysis, its involvement in intonation. Those who recognize a text related to a discourse as a discourse proceed from the fact that the situational orientation of the discourse clearly determines its place in linguistics. From the point of view of pragmalinguistics, discourse is understood as the interactive interaction of speech participants, the influence on each other, the exchange of information, various communication strategies, their verbal and non-verbal manifestations in speech. According to the conclusion of M. L. Makarov: «the distinctive features of discourse are its coherence, as well as metacommunicative self-organization» [1]. Linguocommunicative and structural – textual approaches of discourse are also considered. Within the first approach, discourse is defined as a complex linguistic and communicative phenomenon, and within the second approach, the problem of the accent of discourse in text formation is identified.

About the Authors

A. M. Zhalalova
KazNPU named after Abai

KazNPU named after Abai, PhD doctoral student.

O. Mehmet
Yildiz Technical University

Yildiz Technical University, Doctor of Philology, Professor.



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4. Кеншінбаева Ж.М. Қазақ мәтінінің семантика-интонациялық мүшеленуі. Экспериментті-фонетикалық зерттеу: филол. ғыл. канд. дисс. –2005. – 149 б .

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For citations:

Zhalalova A.M., Mehmet O. Intonation is an indicator that determines the linguistic essence of a discourse. Tiltanym. 2016;(2):68-71. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)