The use of comparisons and epithets in Saif Saraya›s poem «Gulstan bi-T-Turki»
This article provides examples of epithets and comparative-visual means in Saif Saraya›s poem «Gulstan bi-T-Turki». The features of word usage in the epic are analyzed. The poet›s skill in using epithets and comparisons is particularly discussed. Examples are given from the conclusions of such literary scholars as Kazhym Zhumaliyev and Zeynolla Kabdolov regarding epithets and comparisons. The method of conveying epithets and comparisons found in the Saif Saraya saga is also considered. The examples show that in the poem «Gulistan bi-T-Turki», which covers various topics, comparisons are used to reveal the inner soul, character and relationship of the hero with other characters. Some figurative words, characteristic of Eastern literature, acquire a special content in the story due to the use of figurative means.
About the Authors
G. E. YesirkepovaKazakhstan
KazNPU named after Abai, senior lecturer, Candidate of Phililogy.
D. Suleymen
KazNPU named after Abai, 2nd-year master›s student.
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3. Жұмалиев Қ. Әдебиет теориясы. –Алматы, 1969. –243 б.
For citations:
Yesirkepova G.E., Suleymen D. The use of comparisons and epithets in Saif Saraya›s poem «Gulstan bi-T-Turki». Tiltanym. 2016;(2):77-81. (In Kazakh)