


In the Kazakh traditional mode of life, hides of livestock and various species of animals were used as the main source of raw materials. Their role as a raw material does not lose its relevance to the present day. Products made from the processed raw material are widely used in everyday life of Kazakhs, such as clothing, utensils, housing, harness and household items, etc. They testify to the high level of processing of raw hides.

In the article, the ethno-linguistic analysis of one of the ancient household articles “sypyra” is given. “Sypyra” is translated from the Kazakh language as a tablecloth for rolling out dough; it is usually made of raw sheep or goat hide.

About the Author

R. Shoibekov
Central State Museum of RK

Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor, chief research worker of the Center of Anthropology and Ethnology of the Central State Museum of RK



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For citations:

Shoibekov R. THE NAME “SYPYRA” AND ITS LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL SEMANTICS. Tiltanym. 2015;(1):81-86. (In Kazakh)

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