


The article deals with the fact that the syntactic complication is determined not by homogeneous members of the sentence, but by single-component sentences.

The article is devoted to syntax, including the complication of a simple sentence. The author clarifies that a number of already recognized complex units are expressed by separate types of words. For the first time, the function of interjections and appeals in the complication of a sentence is highlighted. The conclusion consists in summing up and summarizing the existing scientific opinions.

About the Author

B. Sagyndykuly
Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute

Doctor of Philology, Professor


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For citations:

Sagyndykuly B. SCOPE OF SYNTACTIC COMPLICATION. Tiltanym. 2015;(1):103-106. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)