


The article is devoted to scientific works of my teacher, research supervisor Askar Kudaybergenovich Zhubanov. For many years Askar Kudaybergenuly advised and supported correspondents of the Turkic republics in the field of information technologies. It should be noted that the majority of Kazakhstan frequency word books was compiled with A.K. Zhubanov»s participation. The article is devoted to the scientific work of my teacher, scientific advisor Askar Kudaibergenovich Zhubanov. For many years, Askar Kudaibergenuly advised and supported the correspondents of the Turkic republics in the field of information technology. It should be noted that most of the Kazakhstani frequency dictionaries were compiled with the participation of A.K. Zhubanov. Askar Kudaibergenovich began a scientific publication of the 60s of the twentieth century with the compilation of frequency dictionaries and a statistical study of the structure of Kazakh texts on its basis. A. Zhubanov contributed to the development of several directions of Kazakh applied linguistics through his fundamental research (200 scientific works, including 5 monographs, 4 textbooks and 5 frequency dictionaries). These are formalization and quantitativestatistical research of the content of the National text, automatic analysis of written texts, computer vocabulary, development of a linguistic database of the Kazakh language, etc. Askar Kudaibergenovich for many years consulted and supported fellow correspondents of the Turkic republics on the study of information technologies. It should be noted that most of the frequency dictionaries published in the Kazakh language were compiled with the participation of A.K. Zhubanov.

About the Author

Z. A. Sirazitdinov
Institute of Linguistics and Information Technologies, NSC RAS
Russian Federation

PhD in Philology, Senior Researcher, Head


1. Джубанов А.Х., Зубов А.В. Автоматизация некоторых лингвистических процессов // Вестник АН КазССР. Исследования молодых ученых. – Алма-Ата, 1968. №9. –С. 31-36.

2. Джубанов А.Х., Бектаев К.Б. Вероятностно-статистическое моделирование тюркских текстов//Статистика казахского текста. –Алма-Ата: Наука, 1973. –С.299-328.

3. Джубанов А.Х. Вероятностные законы распределения классов слов казахского текста//Труды VII Всесоюзной школы-семинара «Автоматическое распознавание слуховых образов». –Алма-Ата, 18-23 сентября, 1972 г. –Алма- Ата: Наука, 1973. –С.139- 145.

4. Лукьяненков К.Ф. Использование схем Пуассона и Гаусса в исследовании распределения лингвистических единиц текста //Вопросы лингвостатистики и автоматизации лингвистических работ. Труды ЦНИИПИ, –Вып. 3. – М., 1969. –С. 5-14.

5. Джубанов А.Х., Зубов А.В. Автоматизация некоторых лингвистических процессов // Вестник АН КазССР, №9. 1968. – С.31-36.

6. Джубанов А.Х. Бектаев К.Б., Зубов А.В. Автоматическое построение частотных словарей (прямого и обратного) //Вестник АН КазССР, №3. –1970. – С.48-53.

7. Жубанов А.К. Основные принципы формализации содержания казахского текста. Автореф. дисс. док. филол. наук. –Алматы, 2002. – 32 с.

8. Сиразитдинов З.А. Моделирование грамматики башкирского языка. Словоизменительная система. –Уфа: Гилем, 2006. – 160 с.


For citations:

Sirazitdinov Z.A. ASKAR KUDAYBERGENOVICH ZHUBANOV – A SCIENTIST AND TUTOR. Tiltanym. 2016;(3):32-37. (In Kazakh)

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