


The article is devoted to roots of early stages of Turkic languages. This question was not studied in the field of Turkic languages. Views of scientists concerning root and roots were discussed. The article will be devoted to the root roots and root roots of the early stages of the Turkic languages. In truth, this issue has not been studied in the Turkic languages. The views of scientists on the root root and root roots were discussed. We call the root - the root for the modern day, as I (leaves), ka (crust), sa (stem), cones (root), root (root), semantic roots for our era, and the root - three-sound, one-sound, semantic roots from these roots, and the root is three-sound, one-sound, semantic. Root roots and root roots in the early stages of the Turkic languages. As for reality, this issue has been little studied in the Turkic languages. The opinion of scientists about the root and root of the root was considered.


About the Author

B. Kaliev


Doctor, professor of philological sciences



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For citations:

Kaliev B. ROOTS IN TURKIC LANGUAGES. Tiltanym. 2016;(3):61-65. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)