


The article considers the need of the cognitive approach in the new context to a complex verb in common Turkic languages. As the semantic nature of the verb is diverse, and its functional and pragmatical activity differs from the semantic Turkic dialect depending on its specifics. The article discusses the need for a cognitive approach in a new context to a complex verb in common Turkic languages. Since the semantic nature of the verb is diverse, and its functional and pragmatic activity differs from the semantic Turkic dialect, depending on its specificity. The study of the compound verb in the Turkic languages began at the beginning of the 19th century, when the first grammars of the Turkic languages began to be created. Scientific works of N.I. Ashmarin, P. M. Melioransky, V. V. Radlov, who collected materials related to the Turkic languages, have their own contribution to the development of linguistic science. Of particular importance are the scientific principles formulated by them in connection with word formation. The article talks about the need for cognitive research of a complex verb in Turkic languages in a new direction. Since the semantic nature of the verb is multifaceted, its functional and pragmatic activity is a natural phenomenon, which corresponds to its specificity of the Turkic languages. In general, in the Turkic languages, the need for a cognitive approach to a complex verb in a new context is considered. The semantic nature of the verb is diverse and its functional-pragmatic function differs from the semantic Turkic dialect in its peculiarity.

About the Author

B. Kasym
KazNPU named after Abai

Head of the Department of State Language, Doctor of philological sciences, Professor



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For citations:

Kasym B. VIEWS CONCERNING COMPLEX VERBS IN TURKIC LANGUAGES. Tiltanym. 2016;(3):66-71. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)