Orthoepy of Turkish language based on Latin alphabet (comparison of the Kazakh language with the Turkish language)
The article deals with the orthoepy of the Turkish language based on the Latin alphabet. The orthoepy of the Turkish and Kazakh languages is also comparatively described.
About the Author
A. Zh. AmanbayevaKazakhstan
Head of the Phonetics Department of the Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov, candidate of philological sciences.
1. Қазақ тілінің орфоэпиялық сөздігі. Алматы, 2005. 87 б.
2. ТÜRKÇE SÖZLÜK. 11. BaskiAnkara, 2011. 95 б.
For citations:
Amanbayeva A.Zh. Orthoepy of Turkish language based on Latin alphabet (comparison of the Kazakh language with the Turkish language). Tiltanym. 2015;(4):53-55. (In Kazakh)