
On the automatic morphological analysis of the natural language text


   The method of logical multiplication of morphological analysis, in most cases, is used in inflexional languages and it requires availability of a dictionary of basic words. The type of automated morphological analysis that we are considering is dictionary-free analysis or “independent” analysis. It is implemented by means of tables of affixes and on the basis of a list of words that do not have a special grammatical meaning. This type of morphological analysis is very rarely used in research practice.

About the Author

A. K. Zhubanov
Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov

Сhief researcher, Doctor of philological sciences, professor



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For citations:

Zhubanov A.K. On the automatic morphological analysis of the natural language text. Tiltanym. 2017;(4):3-7. (In Kazakh)

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