
Stereotypes are an actual area of linguoculturology


   The article states that a person gets to know the world with the assistance of cultural space, therefore stereotypes in the language are found in the form of linguoculturological concepts. A linguoculturological concept is the experience of generations that has been preserved in the consciousness of a particular people. And stereotypes are such structures that are born in the mind of a native speaker and appear in his speech. Conceptospheres are samples of life experience, which are an indicator of the linguistic picture of the world. Ethno-cultural stereotypes are general ideas that characterize the features of a particular people.

About the Author

A. S. Almetova
KazUIR & WL named after Abylai Khan

Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences



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For citations:

Almetova A.S. Stereotypes are an actual area of linguoculturology. Tiltanym. 2017;(4):26-30. (In Kazakh)

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