
The way to the eternity of language is to preserve the nature of language


   The law of synharmonism, which for centuries protected the language from the influence of other languages, became the mainstay of the teaching methods of the Kazakh language, the orthoepic norms of the language and the new national script. The main condition for the revival of national consciousness is the creation of the national alphabet.

About the Authors

M. Sabyr
West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technological University

Professor, Doctor of Philology


B. Zheksengaliev
International Public Association «Kazakh Tili»

Chairman of the WKO department



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2. Қазақ білімпаздарының тұңғыш сійезі. – Алматы, 2005. – 15 б.

3. Әуезов М. Шығармалар жинағы. 19 т.

4. Қайдаров Ә. Қазақ терминологиясына жаңаша көзқарас. –Алматы, 2003. – 65 б.

5. Айтбаев Ө.А.Байтұрсынұлының өнегесі мен Ә.Қайдар қағидасы // Егемен Қазақстан. – 25. 09. 2017 ж.

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For citations:

Sabyr M., Zheksengaliev B. The way to the eternity of language is to preserve the nature of language. Tiltanym. 2017;(4):38-42. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)