
The use of somatic phraseologisms in B. Mukai’s novel «Omirzaia»


   One of the aspects of mastering the language culture is the special role of stable expressions in the formation of skills of correct and expressive speech. Within the framework of communication, phraseological units that differ in their imagery and special significance can be considered special expressions of the national language. Their use in a work of art indicates a clear sign of a national character. In scientific works, it is noted that stable expressions are one of the most striking and expressive spheres of any nation, the mirror of people’s life, the main feature of national and cultural life.

About the Authors

Zh. S. Talaspaeva
North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev


A. B. Ersainova
North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev



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2. Мұқай Б. Таңдамалы шығармалар: 5 том. Құраст.: Ахметова Н. – Алматы: Ана тілі, 2008. – 464 б.

3. Кеңесбаев І. Фразеологиялық сөздік. – Алматы: Арыс, 2007. – 800 б.

4. Өтебаева Ш., Садыбекова Б. А. Қазақ және ағылшын тілдеріндегі соматика-лық фразеологизмдер // Білім. – № 6 (54). 2010. – 33-36 бб.

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For citations:

Talaspaeva Zh.S., Ersainova A.B. The use of somatic phraseologisms in B. Mukai’s novel «Omirzaia». Tiltanym. 2017;(4):59-64. (In Kazakh)

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