


The main purpose of the paper is to disclose the present-day situation of the Kazakh oral speech. To do this, it is first necessary to find out what oral speech is, why Kazakh oral speech has become less audible, why it sounds wrong, how the assessment of the Kazakh oral language has decreased, what was the traditional Kazakh speech, how we lost the traditional Kazakh speech, what is the modern oral language, who is to blame for the mistakes of the speech of young people, what are the prospects of the Kazakh language, what needs to be done to improve the status of the Kazakh oral language? The purpose of the article was to discuss these problems and consider ways to solve these problems. The article will discuss and answer these questions. For this purpose, the history of the study and the theoretical foundations of the study of Kazakh oral speech were considered. The conclusions of Akhmet Baitursynov on the word production of the Kazakh language, the research of academician Rabig Syzdyk were revised, the language parameters that will serve as the basis for the study were determined. The steps to be taken to improve the quality and level of the modern Kazakh oral language will be determined. To do this, an important step is the need to change the state language policy, the availability of legal force for the use of the language.

About the Author

K. B. Kuderinova
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics



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2. Syzdyk R. (1987) Qazaq adebi tіlіnіn auyzsha turі. [The oral form of the Kazakh literary language]. – Almaty, 1987. – Р 235 (in Kazakh).

3. Uali N. (2007) Qazaq soz madenietіnіn teorijalyk negіzderі. Doktorlyk dissertacija. [Theoretical basis of Kazakh speech culture]. – Almaty, 2007. PhD dissertation . – P 138.

4. Biy aga. (1983) [Сollected works]. – Almaty, 1983. – Р 258 (in Kazakh.).

5. Kekilbayev A. (1981) Urker. Zhinak [Urker]. – Almaty, 1981. – Р 1503 (in Kazakh.).

6. Baitursynov A. (1989) Tandamaly shygarmalar [Сollected works]. – Almaty, 1989. – Р 562 (in Kazakh.).

7. Radlov V. (1870) Obrazcy narodnoj literatury tjurkskih plemen, zhivushhih v Juzhnoj Sibirii i Dzhungarskoj stepi. [Samples of folk literature of the Turkic tribes living in southern Siberia and the Dzungarian steppe]. Part III. St. Petersburg, 1870. (In Russian.).

8. Syzdyk R. (2014) Auyzsha damygan qazaq adebi tіlі. [Orally developed Kazakh literary language]. – Almaty, 2014. – 568 р (in Kazakh).

Supplementary files


For citations:

Kuderinova K.B. THE QUАLITY OF USE OF MODERN KАZАKH SPOKEN LАNGUАGE. Tiltanym. 2023;(3):78-84.

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)