On the problems of spelling discussed at the first congress of Kazakh enlighteners in 1924
Akhmet Baitursynuly is the scientist who founded the Kazakh writing system, taking into account four different properties of the Kazakh alphabet. At the congress which united true linguists one of the longest discussions was the problem of whether the sounds ‘u’ and ‘y’ are vowels or consonants. In addition, it is obvious that he attached great importance to other issues, going deeper into them, giving concrete evidence. At present, the language problems raised in 1924 during the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin script are one of the most important historical and valuable sources. The article discusses the proposals made at the first congress of Kazakh enlighteners, held in 1924, regarding the spelling of the Kazakh language. When discussing the report of Co-Chairman Omarov, the commission members approved the resolution consisting of 11 scientifically-grounded points.
About the Authors
A. SoltanbekovaKazakhstan
N. Ospangazieva
1. Қазақ білімпаздарының тұңғыш сіиезі. Баспаға дайындаған Шерубай Құрманбайұлы. – Алматы, 2005. – 144 бет.
For citations:
Soltanbekova A., Ospangazieva N. On the problems of spelling discussed at the first congress of Kazakh enlighteners in 1924. Tiltanym. 2017;(4):87-92. (In Kazakh)