Variations in the anthroponomical space of Kazakhstan
The issues of correct spelling in accordance with the norms of the modern Kazakh literary language of surnames, names (surnames, names, patronymics) written with distortions, spelling errors in the documents of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered. During the analysis of the collected certificates, depending on the motives and reasons of the citizens, the certificates were grouped into several files. The norms of the Kazakh literary language, the rules of spelling were taken as a basis, when writing Kazakh names, names of localities in accordance with the norms of the Kazakh literary language.
About the Author
A. D. SerikbaevaKazakhstan
Junior Researcher
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For citations:
Serikbaeva A.D. Variations in the anthroponomical space of Kazakhstan. Tiltanym. 2017;(4):109-114. (In Kazakh)