
New spelling rules and the problem of the transfer of onomastic names based on the Latin script


   In connection with the translation of the Kazakh script into the Latin alphabet, the question of transliteration arises in relation to many areas of onomastic names. In particular, onomastic names do not contradict the main orthographic principles of “the spelling rules of the Kazakh language based on the new alphabet.” However, the spelling of onomastic names in the Latin script has its own peculiarities.
   The article discusses the innovations associated with the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin script and the rules developed on its basis. The peculiarities of transliteration on the basis of Latin graphics of foreign language borrowings and onomastic names are indicated.

About the Author

K. K. Rysbergen
Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov

Head of the Department, Doctor of Philology

Department of Onomastics



1. Жаңа әліпби негізіндегі қазақ тілі емлесінің ережелері // Егемен Қазақстан, 18 қаңтар 2019 жыл


For citations:

Rysbergen K.K. New spelling rules and the problem of the transfer of onomastic names based on the Latin script. Tiltanym. 2018;(1):17-22. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)